Who would have ever thought in the year 2020, the entire world would be hit by a global pandemic? A pandemic that has destroyed the economy, cost millions of jobs, and hundreds of thousands of lives. Who would have ever thought that millions of individuals around the world, would be forced or “voluntarily” decide to stay in their homes to help stop the spread of an invisible enemy or virus, so incredibly contagious that an individual 5 ft away, would be exposed to the virus, and potentially wind up sick and die. We have all seen movies about this happening, but did you ever think it would play out in real life? I certainly did not. Being forced to stay home, confined to four walls, whether big or small for a long period of time, either by yourself, or with loved ones, can drive a person mad. Millions all over the world have been forced to do just that. Stay home. It is within the four walls of our homes and being unable to venture out into the world, where many of us have come face to face with ourselves. We have come face to face with who we are underneath all the fluff, stuff, busyness, and face to face with the person in the mirror - yourself. Each of us have been forced to face the good, and the bad within ourselves. We have come face to face with what we love, hate, and embrace about ourselves. We have come face to face with how we feel about the people around us. The naked truth. It is in these moments of vulnerability, uncertainty, and bareness of who you really are comes to light. The love, hate, fear, sadness, goofiness, and, messiness, of it all comes to the surface. Before this, I thought I was a pretty patient person, but having to homeschool, has completely left me baffled and taking a moment, has a whole new meaning for me at the end of the day. On a deeper level, as I reflect on the psychological impact the pandemic has had on some individuals struggling with mental health issues, being obligated to stay home, unable to physically connect with a solid support system can potentially be life-threatening. As confining as it is to be at home 24/7, I am grateful to be spending it with my family and doing our part to help. Many years from now, our children will forever remember the time in which schools were shut down, semesters ended, parents homeschooled, family dinners occurred every night, and moments in time when the clock slowed down and we learned to appreciate the love all around us.
“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them, unless you remove some of your skin” Andre Berthiaume
“Love has a powerful way of removing the masks, we all insist on wearing” Jessy